
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Drowned Catacomb

Drowned Catacomb is a perfect dual land for most dual colored control decks that run black and blue.  A dual land that does not have to tap when it comes into play as long as a Island or Swamp is in play is a huge asset to a blue and black deck.  Without green mana acceleration in a dual colored deck getting land out quick is hard to say the least, and even harder to get the right number of land that are the right color to play certain cards.

-As long as another Island or swamp is in play it does not have to tap
-Blue and Black is a great combo for control decks so half way decent dual lands with blue and black are essential.

-If by some chance this is the first land you play in the game you have to wait another turn to play anything that const only one mana.

Scully Rating: 9 out of 10

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