
Thursday, June 16, 2011

White Sun's Zenith

"White Sun's Zenith" is a card from the "Mirrodin Besieged" set.  This is a card that can tip the balance late into a game.  For 3 white mana and X put X 2/2 white Cat creature tokens onto the battlefield, then shuffle this card into your library.  Not a bad card but for white, however a bit expensive which makes it very hard to play early on when playing straight white.  However late game with a good stock of mana this is a great card to tip the balance in your favor and go for the win with a bunch of 2/2 Cat creature tokens.  In all a good card but not very useful in regular everyday game play unless you have a way to pump a lot of mana out in a white deck.  This card has potential but needs a certain kind of deck to be of heavy significance.  

Great for white decks, or white Cat decks.

-A nice way to get a large amount of creatures out all at once
-It is an Instant spell  
-Goes back into your library after being used

-A little too expensive for a regular white deck.

Scully Rating: 8 out of 10 

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