This particular anime is one were each episode takes place within different time frames were the first episode will take place in the early 1990's the next in the late 90's then over the next few episodes you end up in the year 2055. This makes it kind of hard to follow the story line but it makes sense since the main character is an immortal. The anime is full of its own variation of personality whether it be the large amount of lesbian sex scenes or the amount of vodka the main characters indulge in at the beginning of each episode it is safe to say that this anime is one of a kind. Needless to say nudity is one thing this anime has plenty of as well as good action scenes. The anime does kind of take the whole immortality thing a little too far though when certain antagonist just plain refuses to die and in a sense does nothing but try to kill the immortal main about a waste of time. In all this anime has great action scenes and plenty of nudity to keep a crowd but is a very hard anime to follow and greatly lacking in story line foundation.
-Great action scenes!!
-Nudity and plenty of it.
-The main character is one that the viewer will just enjoy watching.
-An awesome opening theme as well as closing theme.
-Story line is very hard to follow and lacks in foundation.
-Each episode builds on top of the next leaving large holes in the story when 10 or more years take place between episodes.
-Rather annoying and slightly unexplained antagonists.
Scully Rating: 6.5 out of 10