"Angel Beasts" is an anime that has a good amount of action scenes in it while at the same time remains cute, and intellectual. Each character has a past of pain or sorrow that keeps them in purgatory and unable to pass on, it is these characters struggles to come to terms with their past lives that gives this story its depth, while the action and cuteness gives the story its candy coating. The action scenes in this anime are action scenes however they are not heart-pounding they are a weird mix of comedy and violence. This anime is as simple as it is a brain teaser, it touches on the subjects of the meaning of life and the desire to simply live. In all a good anime with a health medium between intellectual and just plain cute.
-Action, but not very serious
-Comedy, the cute kind
-Intellectual conversations on the meaning of life that get you thinking
-Some characters are just plain retarded and have no depth to them.
-Some conflict in the show seems rather childish and unnecessary, however is resolved later in the show.
Scully Rating: 8 out of 10
Watch "Angel Beats" at: http://www.animefreak.tv/watch/angel-beats-online