
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Aliens: Colonial Marines Suspense Trailer

Time to test your nerves as you watch every wall, ceiling, open door way and air vent because the Xenomorphs are back in “Aliens: Colonial Marines” and as fans of the “Aliens” franchise already know those acid blooded bastards can be terrifying and this trailer doesn’t help. This brief look into the gameplay elements of the latest foray into the “Aliens” universe gives a feel that fans have been looking for since the trilogy ended 20 years ago. From the looks of things the game aims to please showing off iconic elements from the franchise such as the power loader robots as well as androids, although the one in the video has seen better days. Another amazing aspect that shines through in the video is the incredible sound work put into the game between the Xenomorph calls and the trade mark radar alert sound, “Aliens: Colonial Marines” looks ready to impress for fans and new comers alike. I eagerly await to see what February 12th may bring.

