
Saturday, February 16, 2013

G-Dubs, Captain Awesomepants (By Tobi)

“Gideon, Champion of Justice” has an appropriately hammy name for an appropriately meaty Planeswalker. Unlike his Gatecrash cohort Domri, and much more in the vein of RtR’s Jace and Vraska, Gideon’s newest incarnation explores some new ground in our planeswalking. He costs 4, and starts with (at least) 4, which is nothing impressive, but solid.

Gideon’s new +1 is something exciting, to be sure. He gets one counter for certain, and an additional counter for each of your opponent’s creatures (but only one opponent, to prevent him from becoming bonkers in multiplayer), allowing him to rocket up to an impressive height. It’s not unreasonable to assume he could get to 10 or 12 counters inside of 3 turns, especially… Well, we’ll get to that later. His 0 ability is similar to his 0 ability, but a little better. His power and toughness now scale to the number of counters on him, instead of just being 6. This allows him to trundle on in as his own win condition. Finally, his last ability, -15, is to exile all other permanents. It’s incredibly expensive, but his juicy +1 ability provides an opportunity to actually get him there in the right deck… And if you manage to get him to 20 or so, before using that -15, it’s basically a forced concession, as while you’re both scrabbling to get land back down, he’ll come barreling in for 5 every turn.

Gideon’s new home is most likely going to be in a new planeswalker-themed control deck, much like the one from Zendikar block, where he hung out with Jace, Elspeth and occasionally Ajani. This time, though, it will be Jace, Tamiyo and Sorin holding down the fort while G-Dubs charges up to make it a 1-man show. Jace and Tami are excellent at controlling a crowd, and Sorin’s legion of 1/1 lifelinkers can provide ample blocking, especially if he’s had time to throw down a couple emblems. I can see a deck like this taking off. Gideon is a little awkward in that it takes him a long time to build up against an empty board, but that’s probably when you’d just use him as a straight creature. He has some trouble protecting himself, too, which is why you want a shell of other planeswalkers to distract your opponent with.

-          -Dat -15
-          -0 Ability is better than old 0 ability
-          -Innovative +1
-          -Cheaper than last Gideon

-          -Not as strong defensively as last Gideon
-          --15 is a LOT, and you need more if you want to be sure he can survive it
-          -Needs a lot of support/protection from other cards

Scully Rating: 9.3 out of 10

Projected Settled Value: 20$