
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Meet the Staff: Sean Dibble

Sean Dibble

Hi Scully Nerd Review fans, names Sean Dibble, and I go by “Dibby” for short. I enjoy watching TV and movies, and have a considerable collection of both (over 170 DVDs and about 40 TV shows). Along with that I enjoy reading books by James Patterson and Stephen King or just sitting at home playing fetch with the pooch. Personally I was never much into anime until I started writing for this site. Other than Dragon Ball Z I actually never saw an anime until here and now I love them most of the ones I have seen were recommended by Scully and Goodier through the site itself. I work at an Adult home and that is where I usually rough draft most of my reviews.      

now this is how you play tag

I came to Scully Nerd Reviews when the founder, Scully, wanted to pick the site up and pump out more reviews than he could do on his own. Knowing that I owned a heck of a lot of movies, he asked me to start doing the movie reviews. In time, I moved on from just movies and now write some of the news bulletins that we have started to do. One thing that I hope to get out of writing for this site is passing along my passion for movies, games, and all things nerdy.

best scene in any movie EVER

Things that I LOVE are action movies, Horror/Action anime, and FPS video games along with the occasional pen and paper gaming with a group of great friends. In anime I love the fight scenes in Dragon Ball Z though the plot is weak by far after you get by the cell saga and suffer through the Namek saga. Video games have come a long way and I am very excited to see what the gaming companies come up with for future FPS games just wish they made more FPS with a little RPG inside of them. Movies I like them fast paced with a lot of blood. My favorite animes would have to be DBZ, Bleach, and Black Lagoon. Movies would have to be “The Crow” by far one of the best movies ever created and its sad that Brandon Lee died on the set because he could have been a great actor. Video games I love the Mass Effect Trilogy and The Elder Scrolls series.

greatest scene from bleach

I enjoy writing for SNR and hope that you enjoy reading the things that I write about. I hope that soon we can branch out a little more and write about TV shows and Board Games or even a session of pen and paper games that we have played (I know NERD) but I digress and say thank you for visiting the site and making us feel as though what we write is important even if you think we are wrong J enjoy the site and if there is anything that you want to see reviewed email us at