
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Highschool of the Dead Act 30

By: Robert Murphy

Well it’s been a long time coming but we finally have got our hands on the latest manga chapter of “Highschool of the Dead” and I bet some of you may need a little recap of what happened last time we left off. Before the two year break in the series we left our group of zombie killing teens as they head to Takashi and Rei’s old neighborhood to see if any of their family made it through the never ending waves of undead. I found myself chuckling at the humor all over again of “Highschool of the Dead” as I re-read the last chapter and it reminded me of why I love the series so much. The group seems to be running in quite a bit of trouble as the small enclosed residential area where they searched made it difficult to avoid zombies and caused some problems along the way. One such problem occurs for Rei and Takashi as some of these un-dead were their friends and neighbors making it hard on them, despite all they’ve been through. A bit of good fortune finally comes though as Rei is reunited with her mother and after the quick moment of happiness she tells them that the local school has people ready under protection of the police and are about to be rescued and this is where we pick up in Act 30. Fear and chaos are always spread even when people are somewhat safe panic can still spread and make people turn on one another in desperation to cling to life. This a theme of this chapter as the safe people protected in the school still are in fear of those around them with the tiniest hint of injury that could be zombie related, paranoia also spreads among people in fear as everyone questions their government and the police that protect them. Much of the chapter revolves around this with initially not much attention made towards our main characters, luckily the chapters are long for “Highschool of the Dead” and we do see them fight and make their way by the end. So everyone jump on in and find out what unfolds and I hope you enjoy Act 30.