
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Bleach 536: "June Truth"

Article by Zach Goodier

This week's chapter continues the flashback into the history between Isshin and Masaki.  This chapter serves mainly as comic relief, before ending on the cliffhanger of telling the story of Masaki's death when Ichigo was young.  There really isn't any huge plot development here, but I was certainly laughing.  Isshin and Masaki have a very good dynamic working for them at this point, with Isshin struggling to save Masaki, and Masaki acting all sweet and oblivious.  Hopefully, we'll see the next chapter or two ending this mini arc and finally bringing us back into the main story.  I have loved the revelations this arc has provided, but I'm getting anxious to see what happens next in the current time frame.  Check back next week to see what happens next.

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