
Monday, March 3, 2014

√Bestamvsofalltime ▪ Don't Stop AMV

Zach Goodier

Here's an AMV for your viewing pleasure, plus I'll give a little peek at what I have lined up this week.  On top of the typical manga stuff, I'm reviewing a game on Steam that I've been playing around with.  For the anime, I have a couple things lined up, not sure which I'll do this week and which I will put off until next week, but I'll have something lined up, for sure.  Sean Dibble also has some articles on the burner, and perhaps we'll put one up this week, as well.  He's been pondering the top 5 games to own for the N64, since he's into the classics.  So for now, enjoy the AMV, and we'll be sure to put out that good stuff for you guys.

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