
Thursday, May 8, 2014

Adam Coleman

Good (insert appropriate time of day here) everyone, my name is Adam… as if you didn’t catch that before you clicked on the link. I’m here because, like everyone else here, I have a problem. My problem is that I am a nerd. It’s not really a problem though. In fact, I embrace that part about me. I thoroughly enjoy all things that make me nerdy. I always had a special place in my heart for all of this stuff. Everything from board games, to video games, from anime to science fiction movies, from something something, to another thing that is nerdy, I pretty much enjoy it all. So really, my problem isn’t that I’m a nerd. My problem is that I am just way to sarcastic and opinionated. So if at any point in time, you feel that I have offended you with anything I’ve written, something I’ve posted, my interests or what I like to do in my spare time, or you just think I’m being a little harsh in anyway, feel free to let me know so I can ignore it because I really don’t care. My likes are MY LIKES for a reason.

Being sarcastic and opinionated isn’t really why I’m here though. I’m here because I was asked to help out if I could and I jumped at the chance to write about anything even remotely close to the stuff I love.  Segway to: My likes… Some of the anime that I have really enjoyed includes Bleach, Fairy Tail, Cowboy Bebop… the list goes on. Games: anything remotely close to The Elder scrolls, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, and again… the list goes on. I have to say though, putting all of what we do here aside, I have to say that my favorite shows of all time include from the top: Doctor Who, Supernatural, Game of Thrones, Destination Truth, and Warehouse 13. Yes, I know that two of them are canceled… but I would like to say that “Syfy” has a habit of canceling all of my favorite shows. As for Supernatural, I have a feeling that the picture above kind of helps to give it away. Game of Thrones is, well, yeah. But lastly, good ol’ Doctor Who; I’ll admit I thought this show was absolutely way too weird for me to watch when I was younger. I know now that was a major, major mistake. I have never watched a show that has ever made me feel “the feels” in my entire life…. I mean I can’t express how much I love the series. It has its ups and downs, like all series do, but still. I loved each Doctor, and what each actor brought to the table. I wish Christopher Eccleston had not left when he did, for whatever reason. I wish I could look at David Tennant and NOT see him ONLY as the 10th doctor. I wish Amy and Rory’s last episode wasn’t so freaking sad. The same could be said for Matt Smith’s goodbye. David Tennant is, without a doubt, my favorite doctor; however, “The Time of the Doctor” was probably one of my favorite episodes of any series of all time. (If you’re judging me right now, I refer you to my first paragraph and the Supernatural picture.) In specific, the ending is probably the greatest I’ve seen by far. This video isn’t the exact scene, but I think it’s a great wrap up of all Smith’s done. It’s, dare I say it… Brilliant!!!

So with all that said, that’s the kind of nerd I am. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or general news for the good of the people, please feel free to let me or the rest of the staff here now at ScullyNerdReviews.

So if there’s nothing else: then there’s one last thing…


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