
Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Bestamvsofalltime ▪ Madness AMV [Edited by Kami]

Zach Goodier

No manga updates as of this time, so here's an AMV to bide the time.  Since we haven't heard any news about the manga being off for the week, we're hoping it's just late, and we'll try to have it out tomorrow.

I'm rather conservative in my love for dubstep, but in this case, I really found it enjoyable.  The music was nice and mellow, and didn't bombard my ears like some dubstep music feels like for me.  The main draw, though, was the quality of the editing done to sync up the scene transitions and lip movements with the lyrics.  One of the reasons I subscribed to Bestamvsofalltime was that I knew that their AMVs went above and beyond the normal effort that goes into creating AMVs.  That isn't to knock the regular editors out there, but these AMVs are generally of a completely different level of quality and effort.  The time that must have been put into these is substantial, especially considering they don't get a paycheck for doing it.  This is a form of art, without a doubt, and seeing some of the masters at work never ceases to amaze me.

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