
Friday, September 26, 2014

Bleach 598: The Shooting Star Project

Zach Goodier

Ichigo and the others are finally underway, but before they leave, they're joined by an old friend, who brings back memories of when Ichigo and his friends first journeyed to the Soul Society.  Renewing their resolve to bring back Uryuu, and end this war once and for all, they finally launch upward to the Palace of the King of Souls.

Meanwhile, the battle at the palace continues as "The Wind" effortlessly redirects any and all incoming attacks.  However, he is up against Squad 0, and their strength is matched only by their experience and cunning.  It doesn't take long, especially after hearing how his powers work, to find a way around his seemingly unbeatable defense.  But what else might Juha Bach have up his sleeve, and can Squad 0 hold him off until Ichigo arrives?

Seeing the new Sternritter struck down so quickly was actually a breath of fresh air, since he didn't turn into a 10 chapter distraction from the main conflict.  Still, there may be more to him, so I might be speaking too soon, especially knowing how many times characters we've written off (friend or foe) have returned.  Still, I don't believe they will waste much more time, since Ichigo is en route, but judging by his journey down from the Palace, it could still be several chapters before he's back up there, which could be plenty of time for Juha Bach to level the place if he's strong enough and decides to attack in earnest.

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