
Thursday, October 23, 2014

Bleach 602: Bane Licking Good

Zach Goodier

Sternlichter "D," Askin rises up to challenge the seemingly unstoppable Nimaiya, he reveals the nature of his power (always a bad move), and claims that he has already defeated Nimaiya by making his own blood toxic to him.  It doesn't take long for Nimaiya to find a solution, calling on his teammate Kirinji to use his "Blood Hell" spring water to replace his blood, which works in curing his sudden ailment.  He then proceeds to strike down Askin (again), with a much stronger strike, and then turns to challenge Juha Bach.  Does he have what it takes? Or will Ichigo have to arrive to finish the job?

I'm still fuzzy on a lot of the details of Askin's power, such as how he is able to alter the "lethal dose" of anything, let alone make blood toxic to particular people in the first place.  Furthermore, it seemed as though Askin cannot die at all, yet a second sword strike was able to put him down for good?  A lot of details on how these characters have and control their powers seems to go unexplained, and it makes the story as a whole feel somewhat sloppy or unrefined.  A lot of these concepts are neat, but when they go without explanation, it begs the question of how they're doing it in the first place.  Maybe, assuming Askin isn't truly dead, we might see an explanation later, but for now it raises a lot of unnecessary questions.

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