
Thursday, November 6, 2014

Bleach 604: Revitalize

Zach Goodier

Back in the Soul Society, the surviving Sternritter are bitter about the loss of their powers, and Head Captain Kyoraku quickly realizes that the Palace is in terrible danger.  The Sternlichter are back, and stronger than ever.  Niyama quickly suffers several major wounds from Sternlichter "X," whose attacks are now unblockable.  The "Cage of Life" containing the Quincy is also broken, allowing Juha Bach to escape to face Ichibee Hyousube, "The Monk."  The tables are starting to turn against Squad 0, and it is unclear if they will be able to face the reborn Sternlichter.

The unlocked abilities of the Sternlichter definitely make them feel more like the badasses they're meant to be; however, we still haven't seen the full extent of those abilities for the other members. Squad 0 might be on the defensive, but they are still in this fight at the moment, albeit at a growing disadvantage.  It is unclear if Niyama will be able to contribute after his seemingly fatal chest and shoulder wounds, but I would imagine even if he doesn't die, he will have a hard time keeping up with his injuries.  The absence of Senjumaru in the last several chapters makes me wonder what her next play is.  She seems to be most adept at deception and misdirection, so perhaps she has a few more tricks up her sleeve to try to turn the tide of this battle back in their favor.

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