
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Bleach 606: Divine Division

Zach Goodier

The battle outside the palace continues, as Juha Bach and Ichibee continue to fight.  Ichibee reveals more of his power: the ability to change the "names" of the things he "cuts."  So rather than slashing the flesh of his enemies, he slashes their names, limiting their strength.  Ichibee claims that with each slash, Juha Bach's power is being cut in half.  However, Juha Bach seems unfazed by this claim.  

Meanwhile, back in the Soul Society,  Urahara is gathering more reinforcements to send to the battle, including the Visoreds, and one special new character:  Yoruichi's sibling, Yuushirou.  Eager to help Yoruichi after all these years apart, Yuushirou has gathered items to help her.  However, there is some tension as the Visoreds hear Urahara explain that he sent Yoruichi and Ichigo ahead of schedule without them "for the Court."  So perhaps there is more going on behind the scenes that will be significant as we move ahead in the story.

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