
Thursday, March 12, 2015

Bleach 619: The Betrayer

Zach Goodier

Back at the palace, Juha Bach and Ichigo begin their fight. However, Juha Bach claims that he has no need to control Ichigo, sense Ichigo has always acted in accordance with his will due to his Quincy blood. He also states that the true enemy Ichigo faces, the source of all his suffering, is himself, since he allowed his mother to die from his own weakness. Ichigo succumbs to rage and charges forward, only to be interrupted by Uryuu, who still stands against him. Yoruichi tries to intervene but is attacked by the Sternlichter. 

I find his recent "revelation" from Juha Bach to either be a major plot point that could make this fight even more difficult, or an attempt at psychological warfare to undermine Ichigo's resolve and weaken him. Given how early this came in the fight, I'm thinking it may be an attempt to undermine Ichigo's resolve to gain the upper hand. However, there is no doubting that Juha Bach's power is real, and either way, this fight is far from over.

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