
Monday, March 30, 2015

Fairy Tail Chapter 426 : Blackheart

Sean Dibble

Fairy Tail 426 - Page 20

Natsu, Lucy and Happy continue on their mission that they stole from Rouge. On their journey Lucy asks what this mission has to do with Grey and Natsu informs them that a year ago future Rouge told him Grey killed Froche and that this may be the mission it happened on. Meanwhile Grey, now a member of the cult Avatar, is telling the others that for now he will work with them but if he has to use them to destroy the book of END he will, for that is his only true reason of living. We also meet Gajeel and Pantherlilly at the end of the chapter and what has happened with them, they have joined the Councils Detention Enforcement Division. 

I'm excited to see the chapters are moving at a good pace and ether not killing you with an abundance of information while also not dragging on at a snail pace. It seems that over the next few chapters we will continue to get a glimpse of what has happened to each member since the disbanding of Fairy Tail. I am hoping that next we will see Erza, because I believe that even though Natsu has always been stronger in my opinion that Grey we still don't yet know the full extent of his new Demon Slayer Magic. Only time will tell and I look forward to reading the next chapter.

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