
Thursday, May 28, 2015

Bleach 628: New World Orders

Zach Goodier

The entire palace has been altered into the shape of a Quincy cross, and the buildings have all been redone in the style of the Quincy. As both teams emerge within the palace, they are stunned by what they see, and realize they were fortunate to not have been present when it was reshaped, or it may have killed them in the process. However, Yoruichi quickly senses her brother, who tries to leap towards her, only to realize he can't manipulate reishi in the palace like in the seretei. This leads everyone to conclude that Juha Bach has altered the concentration of spirit energy in the palace to suit Quincies, while making it difficult for soul reapers. 

This chapter really felt like a continuation of much of what we already understood from the previous chapter, and that's not a good thing. The pacing of this story arc has been painfully slow, and this chapter really showcases why. In terms of actual progress, the teams combined took a total of 3 or 4 steps in this chapter, just making idle dialogue and redundantly explaining all of the same material we've seen in previous chapters. I think this series would benefit from dropping all the excess baggage and driving the main story forward. Some of these detours have been interesting, but mostly just hold us back from making any real headway.

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