
Thursday, July 23, 2015

Bleach 636: Sensitive Monster

Zach Goodier

Kenpachi lunges forward to strike Pernida, who manages to mangle Kenpachis arm as he lands the first strike. Seeming at a draw, with a clear wound on Pernida's head, and Kenpachi's arm broken beyond use, the tables soon turn again as Kenpachi lunges forward again, after a brief argument with Kurotsuchi. However, Kurotsuchi intervenes by stabbing Kenpachi with his zanpakuto, shutting down his nerves. It turns out, this was to save him, as Kurotsuchi has figured out Pernida's power: the ability expand the reishi in his veins to extend his bodily control to his opponents body, making it contort and twist itself into ruin. Basically, he uses his own nerves to hijack parts of an opponents body to make it harm itself from the inside. Kurotsuchi even uses some of his drugs on Pernida as his nerves are momentarily exposed to attack, and Pernida starts to "melt." Is this a result of the drug, or is Pernida starting to finally reveal his true form?

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