
Thursday, September 10, 2015

Bleach 642: Baby, Hold Your Hand 4 [Eyes Are Open]

Zach Goodier

Nemu's past is revealed, and we see she is the 7th generation of the "Godly Souls" Project named "Nemuri." Kurotsuchi was attempting to create souls from nothing, and after several failed attempts, Nemu was his only success. The name "Nemuri" means "sleep," which Kurotsuchi felt ironic because the project was his dream, which he said one cannot dream without being asleep. 

Back in the present, Nemu leaps to her captain's aid, saving him from Pernida's deadly grip. Kurotsuchi again says he never ordered her to do any such action, to which she replies her mission is to protect him, and he reluctantly allows her to take his place in the fight. She then converts 6% of her soul into power so she can fire an attack on Pernida. Can Nemu stop Pernida's rampage, or is the Soul King's left arm beyond even her reach?

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