“Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations” is a
role-playing fighting game based on the Naruto manga series by Masashi
Kishimoto and is a sequel to “Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm” and “Naruto Shippuden:
Ultimate Ninja Storm 2”. While carrying several elements previously seen in the
prequels, such as playing the story mode, tournament mode, online multiplayer
mode and a survival mode. The story mode features two parts to the Naruto
universe, the younger years when Naruto is just starting out as a ninja and the
later years where Naruto is a well on his way to being a full-fledged ninja,
you play through stories based in both time lines for gamers and fans to enjoy.
As you progress through the story you unlock hidden collectables ninja info
cards that can be customized for online play, each card comes with a special
skill that can come in handy to gain the upper hand playing against people
online. Through the entire story and game experience you get a feel for the
manga and the anime and it expressed perfectly through the main story line. The
incredible graphics come shining through in the unique battles, incredible
fight moves and massive battles from iconic characters in the Naruto universe.
“Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations” while simple and easy to
get into, people who aren’t die-hard fans probably won’t be picking this off
the shelf but the game is fun and easy to get into.
With a very lengthy storyline, an online fighting experience
and other enjoyable fighting modes to experience with everyone’s favorite
characters from the show. The graphics come out absolutely gorgeous, capturing
the Naruto universe in both the manga and anime which will have fans clamoring
for more and making a lasting impression and keeping players hooked with tons
of characters to unlock and play as, stages and online modes to enjoy for
-Incredible graphics
-Captures what Naruto is all about
-Epic battles and a strong story
-Won’t hit home with people who aren’t fans of the show
-Another Naruto fighting game, with another around the
(Game Reviewed on Xbox 360)
Scully Rating: 8.5
out of 10