“Afro Samurai” comes right out of the chopping block with the classic time told tale of a protagonist who loses the thing most precious to him and vows just worthy revenge on the one responsible for it. Afro, who is voiced by Samuel L. Jackson *hold for applause*, is placed in a semi futuristic world alongside traditional feudal Japan, where the way of the sword is still practiced but people have future technology like walk mans, guns and other technology. Afro travels across this mad and unique world and is repeatedly under from those who seek the fame of being the Number 1 warrior and want to take the Number 2 headband from him to do so. It’s a never ending blood bath world, filled with plenty of scenes where Afro is chopping down anyone who tries to get in his way of revenge and what is violence without a little gratuitous nudity splashed in, the world of “Afro Samurai” features a dash of dirtiness with well endowed woman, one who even seduces the often times stoic Afro.
“Afro Samurai” as many of you may already tell is more for a male audience, with gruesome death scenes preformed by Afro slicing off limbs like a knife through butter and also features some M rated material to pull you in as well. However this really doesn’t make for much of a show pleaser if you just have these components and the show isn’t much else, the shows key appeal being the voice over work by Samuel L Jackson but this gets thrown out the door as Afro barely gives off more than 2 words a episode. Another problem lays in the fact that the show is only 5 episodes long and only 25 minutes a piece and doesn’t give you much of a show to sit down and watch. Despite this what action there is in the show is highly enjoyable and the show inevitably does give off a message for viewers to follow, what that message is you’ll have to see for yourselves.
-Unique feudal/future world
-Gruesome and crazy fights
-Hey it’s Samuel L Jackson in an anime man what more can you say
-Very short anime
-Not a lot of depth to show
Sully Rating: 6.5 out of 10
Watch "Afro Samurai" at: http://www.animefreak.tv/watch/afro-samurai-episode-1-online