Friday, June 19, 2015

Life is Strange: Episode 3 - Chaos Theory

By: Robert Murphy

I knew that one day Max Caulfield’s rewind ability would fall short but never in a million years would I have expected it to be in such a tragic way. Episode 3 of Life is Strange begins on a very somber note after the events of the last and luckily the game has a wonderful way of immersing you into the world and letting you know that things have not only affected you but everyone around you. People show their support and positivity with you in a game like this whether it is a kind gesture or a simple text message you feel that people have your back. Much of the beginning of episode 3 gives you plenty of time to breathe and some much needed time with your friends to sort out all that is going on in your life. Whether that involves your new found powers, the possible incoming storm that threatens all of Arcadia Bay or just your regular day to day life, things definitely start to feel less stressful. Right up until the end that is.

One of the most enjoyable aspects to “Chaos Theory” is Max finally feels more at peace with her abilities this time around. In previous episodes Max has struggled to understand her gifts and what the extent of her powers might be and even spent a good portion of episode two testing them out to see what she can do. Now though she appears to be a seasoned pro with the abilities that she currently knows about. The puzzles and problems that you’re presented with this time around appear to less stressful for Max and you to deal with because you now know what exactly you can pull off. Having a conversation with a character you need to get information from and learning a piece of information about them to rewind and use against them is basically child’s play at this point. That isn’t to say that it is any less fun or interesting. Characters in Life is Strange are proving to become more compelling as time goes on and I find myself wanting to talk to just about everyone I see just because the world has become so rich. Some of the unfortunate slang still gets in the way of it from time to time but I’ve come to embrace that it’s not going away any time soon.

Your relationship with Chloe is honestly what shines the most for episode 3. Max and Chloe have gradually begun to get closer again with one another despite Chloe’s attitude about you leaving and her nasty habit of going off on people. There is more tender moment between the two though as you both decide to break into Blackwell Academy after dark to get information on what exactly the principal is hiding about the goings on at the school. This is a fun endeavor for a number of reasons besides the obvious joy I had in making my very own pipe bomb with the help of Warren, but there was also the time you get to spend reconnecting with Chloe in the schools pool. The two finally feel like good friends again and their relationship is one that I deeply enjoy experiencing as I play.
By the end of things though it felt fitting that all this should happen once Max finally starts to feel some relief and get a handle on her powers which unknown to her are about to take a huge leap forward.

The big reveal for “Chaos Theory” comes at the end of the episode once again as Max reverses time further than she ever has before and in affect goes backwards in time to a point she never thought possible. There had already been quite a phenomenal bombshell at the end of the last episode and yet somehow the developers have managed to outdo themselves once again. Max goes back with the intent of effectively changing things for the better as so many people have often done before but I’ve learned anything from time travel show and movies it’s that you have to constantly worry about the ripple effect that your actions will create. Max awakes from this experience in an entirely different world which was shaped by what she had done and now she is more lost than ever before. The whole experience of a new world to explore and whether or not my abilities can have any effect anymore in the world I’ve created has me insanely enthralled for the beginning of the next episode.

Episode 3 of Life is Strange starts out with a relaxed sense to it after the events of the previous episode but it does not falter in its ability to create new and interesting aspects for the story. Max’s new power was a big step forward and makes me wonder what exactly she will be able to do with this new ability and what issues they’ve already created for her next time. The characters we see are also becoming deeply engaging as things progressed this time around, I learned new facts about people I never thought I’d like and things about those I did like that I was better off not ever knowing. One thing is certain though and that’s that I am exceedingly excited for what lies around the corner for our main heroine Max. I certainly hope she is prepared.


- New time travel ability

- The bond between Max and Chloe

- Enjoyable puzzles and problems for the episode

- The big story altering decision


- Usual dialogue issues

Scully Rating: 8.2 out of 10

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